Organization Summary

THE INTERNATIONAL ALLIANCE AGAINST ABUSE is a non-profit organization that fight against abuses at all levels including but not limited to sexual, physical, financial, mental, emotional, cultural and the abuse of human rights including the right to life, liberty, personal security, freedom from slavery, torture and degrading treatments, and the right to be protected and to receive impartial trial as a person before the law.

TIA provides prevention, protection, treatment and empower victims of abuse in its services. The organization also invest in all people to get organized and take action as a community or as individual against abuse. This initiative is done by teaching individual and community leaders on how to both respond to abuse and fight for the rights of people on abuse matters. We have a team of advocates making sure that perpetrators of abuse are brought to justice. The organization also advocate in ensuring that public policies are instituted to fight against abuse and that those laws are upheld and enforced.

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