Need Help Now?

TIA is here for you!

What to expect when you call TIA!

To TIA, every contact with us is personal. Some people who reach out to us identify as survivors of abuse, some as concerned friends or family members, and some are the abusers seeking to change themselves. While every contact with TIA is unique, our advocates are guided by The TIA’s Consent and Ethics policy. Some of the questions to expect when you contact are as follows:  "Are you in a safe place to talk?", “How are you taking care of yourself?”, “Why don’t you tell me about your situation?”, “What have you considered so far?”, “Let’s brainstorm together.”, “What else is on your mind?”

Frequently asked Questions:

I have been abusive to someone. Can TIA help me?

Of course. We frequently get contacted by people who identify as abusive or who are concerned about behaviors that may be unhealthy. We treat everyone who contacts us with dignity and respect, and support accountability that recognizes these moments as opportunities to plant a seed for change.

What will an advocate recommend?
  • Depending on your situation, our advocates will talk you through different courses of action. If you begin to identify unhealthy behaviors throughout your call, they’ll discuss these red flags with you and brainstorm healthy alternatives for the behavior.
  • Our advocates can offer strategies to help you calm down and de-escalate situations if you feel yourself getting angry. They’ll also help you understand how your actions negatively affect you as well as those around you.
  • Advocates can help you learn more about TIA programs to help you become your better self. Our advocates can also help you find local services and recommend resources to fit your situation.

Support in the language of your choice

We want to make talking about abuse as easy as possible for everyone, regardless of their primary language in all the areas we serve. That is why when you contact us, we find an advocate in your area who will immediately assist you. This allow people who reached out for help to share their story in the easiest way possible for them while receiving support and resources for their unique situation. When you contact TIA, simply inform us what language you would prefer and your contact information.

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