Community engagement

We invest in all communities or individuals to have them organized and take action against abuse. This initiative is through training individuals and community leaders on how to both prevent and respond to abuse, and to fight for the rights of people on matters of abuse. We have a team that is entirely responsible for community engagement in organizing symposium and other community initiatives to educate people on abuse.

The role of the community

Abuse is not an isolated event that occurs randomly. Often a pattern of behavior learned over time influences abuse, neglect and manipulation. It takes a whole community to help prevent and stop that pattern. The law can help; certainly, but it cannot always stop someone set on controlling his/her victim.

Calling for greater community awareness and actions does not mean offenders should ever go with impunity for the pain they have caused; of course, usually offenders are accountable. At the same time, only abusers can change their behavior. No one can do it for them, but the community can make that behavior change inevitable.

Parents can talk to their children about healthy relationships and model such behavior because children learn by example. Teens can call on other teens to treat one another respectfully. As we all support victim-centered resource organizations, together – we can make our community better for all.

Abuse affects the lives of millions of children across the world. Again, experiences of abuse, particularly in childhood, can damage children’s physical and mental health and affect their whole lives. Abuse can also affect educational outcomes and children’s potential to lead successful and prosperous lives. Schools are in a unique position to address and prevent abuse against children. Not only are schools accountable in ensuring that their premises are safe and protective but they can also take an active role in engaging the community on issues related to abuse and reporting abuse when suspected. This can include abuse that takes place in schools, such as physical abuse, sexual abuse, bullying, and corporal punishment. It can also include types of abuse that emerge in the home and community, such as child maltreatment, dating and intimate-partner and elder abuse.

People are, as they should be, shocked at unimaginable act someone abusing their own family members including the abuse or abuser killing themselves and their entire family. From the outside looking in, it always seems inconceivable that someone would kill or abuse those he/she was supposed to love and cherish. They may wonder why the neighbors didn’t know about the potential for violence or why no one got help for the abuse or the abuser. You as an individual can make a difference by putting yourself in the shoes of the abuse. Would you like to be helpless?

Information will be posted soon about Daa
Eric Daa
Information will be posted soon about John
Arthur John
Information will be posted soon about Dee
Dee Dee
Information will be posted soon about Deo
Jhon Deo
Information will be posted soon about Brown
Peter Doe Brown
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